Conquer from Heaven
[Conquer from Heaven]

Jerzy Bahr †, RP Ambassador to the Russian Federation
Ewa Bakowska †, granddaughter of Brig. Gen. Mieczyslaw Smarowinski
(Polish general killed at Katyn)
LT Gen. Andrzej Blasik †, Head of Polish Internal (police) Forces
Krystyna Bochenek †, Vice-Marshall of the Sejm
Maria Borowska †
Bartosz Borowski †
Major Gen. Tadeusz Buk †, Head of Polish Land Forces
+ Archbishop Gen. Miron Chodakowski †,
Orthodox Church chaplain of the Polish Army
Leszek Deptula †, Sejm deputy
Grzegorz Dolniak †, Sejm deputy
Edward Duchnowski †, Secretary-General of the Siberian Association
Janina Fetlinska †, Senator
Gen. Franciszek Gagor †, Chief of the Polish General Staff
Grazyna Gesicka †, Sejm deputy
Brig. Gen. Kazimierz Gilarski †, Head of the Warsaw Garrison
Przemyslaw Gosiewski †, Sejm deputy
The Rev. Bronislaw Gostomski †
Mariusz Handzlik †, under-state-secretarz in the Office of the President
Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka †, Sejm deputy
The Rev. Jósef Joniec †, President of the parish association
Ryszard Kaczorowski †, last President of the RP in exile (surrendered his
position in 1990 when Lech Walesa was elected as proper Polish president)
Maria Kaczynska †, First Lady RP
Lech Kaczynski †, President of the Polish Republic
Sebastian Karpiniuk †, Sejm deputy
Vice-Admiral Andrzej Karweta †, Head of Polish Navy
Mariusz Kazana †, Director of Protocol for the RP Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Janusz Kochanowski †, human rights advocate
Stanislaw Komorowski †, under-state-secretarz at the RP Defense Ministry
Andrzej Kremer †, under-state-secratry at the RP Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Rev. Zdzislaw Król †, Chaplain to the Warsaw chapter of
the Association of Katyn families, 1987-2007
Janusz Krupski †, Head of the Office for the Rights of Combatants and Repressed Persons
Janusz Kurtyka †, President of the Institute of National Memory
The Rev. Andrzej Kwasnik †, Chaplain of the Federation of Katyn Families
Lt. Gen. Bronislaw Kwatkowski †, Operational Head of the Polish Armed Forces
Bozena Lojek †, President of the Polish Katyn Foundation
Tadeusz Lutoborski †
Dariusz Malinowski †
Stefan Melak †, President of the Katyn Committee
Tomasz Merta †, under-state-secretary at
the RP Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony
Stanislaw Mikke †, vice-chairman of RP Institute of Military History
Aleksandra Natalli-Swiat †, Sejm deputy
Bronislawa Orawiec-Loffler †
The Rev. (Lieutenant-Colonel) Jan Osinski †, field chaplain of the Polish Army
Pastor (Colonel) Adam Pilch †, Evangelical (Protestant) field chaplain
Katarzyna Piskorska †
Maciej Plazynski †, President of Wspólnota Polska (the Polish cultural
organization like the German Goethe Institute or the British Council)
+ Bishop Gen. Tadeusz Ploski †, field chaplain of the Polish Army
Major Gen. Wlodzimierz Potasinski †, Head of Polish Special Forces
Andrzej Przewoznik †, Secretary of the the RP Institute of Military History
Krzysztof Putra †, Vice-Marshall of the Sejm
Arkadiusz Rybicki †, Sejm deputy
Andrzej Sariusz-Skapski †, President of the Federation of Katyn Families
Jacek Sasin †, Vice-Chief of Staff to the President
Wojciech Seweryn †
Slawomir Skrzypek †, President National Bank of Poland
Leszek Solski †
Wladyslaw Stasiak †, Chief of Staff to the President of the RP
Aleksander Szczyglo †, Head of the Office of National Security
(equivalent to the US National Security Council)
Jerzy Szmajdzinski †, Vice-Marshall of the Sejm
Jolanta Szymanek-Deresz †, Sejm deputy
Teresa Walewska-Przyjalkowska †, Foundation Golgotha of the East
Zbigniew Wassermann †, Sejm deputy
Wieslaw Woda †, Sejm deputy
Edward Wojtas †, Sejm deputy
Pawel Wypych †, state-secretary in the Office of the President
Stanislaw Zajac †, Senator
Gabriela Zych †
And all of the 97 people on board †
Who flew to Smolensk on 10 April 2010
to remember the victims of Soviet atrocities against Poland