“For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?” —Jesus. Matth. 16:26
“I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” —Ronald Reagan
✂ Undercover vid 1: Planned Perphood Senior Director on doing illegal abortions: “So if I say on day one, ‘I do not intend to do this’, what ultimately happens doesn’t matter.” The Center for Medical Progress
✂ Undercover vid 2: Planned Perphood Senior Exec sees $gain: “Patients don’t get anything, of course” ... “I want a Lamborghini”. CMP
Ahgans, getcha baby ahgans hegh, sendy-fi dollah!
✂ StemExpress procurement tech Holly O’Donnell, after procuring the brain of an intact fetus with a functional heart: “Even if it’s going to be good—if that could have been the cure for some kind of disease, then, I wish—even if it was, I wish I still wouldn’t have done it. I don’t want to be that person.” CMP. Aug 19, 2015
“And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not: and their perdition slumbereth not.” (2nd Peter 2:3)
The abortion/baby parts industry has a term for human fetuses: products of conception. The term is to de-humanize the fetus. But it also happens to literally describe the industry: it makes products—merchandise—of living, conceived humans; it murders them, then packages and sells their body parts. –Michael Kaarhus
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The Extinction of the Giants In Your Land. Our Lord through Julie Green. Jan. 10, 2025
Fetal Trafficking Under Oath - Planned Parenthood's Admissions About Partial-Birth Abortion. The Center for Medical Progress. Aug. 24, 2020
27 GOP sens call for investigation into Planned Parenthood's PPP funding. FoxNewsChannel. May 22, 2020
Unplanned Official Trailer. Unplanned Movie. Jan. 31, 2019
ONE OF THE BEST PRO-LIFE SPEAKERS IN THE WORLD TODAY. Patricia Sandoval shakes the crowd. Queen of Peace Media. April 2018
GOSNELL: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer (Official Trailer). The Ann and Phelim Scoop. Aug. 17, 2018
The Democrats below also smeared the Republicans. Many people think that Democrat officials are poor, and receive only very small donations from working class people. Below we see that these two Democrats get big money from corporate America:
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For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. – The Apostle Paul