Michael Kaarhus
04:34 Friday, Oct. 5, AD 2018 GMT
Shangri La
“They have hated him that rebuketh in the gate : and have abhorred him that speaketh perfectly.” – Amos V 10
Judge Kavanaugh defended his good name against the many calumnies, smears and false witnesses that Democrats made against him. In that defense, we saw that Kavanaugh is not a swamp-dweller, but one of We the People, not one that surrenders to evils, but one that fights them. For his self-defense, Leftists—even some British ones—now criticize Kavanaugh for lacking “a judicial temperament” (Sec’y. Clinton).
It is just the latest smear. But against this smear, it is fitting that others defend him, because the Left is actually smearing him for fighting back; if he continued to defend himself, then I suppose that the left would smear him all the more for lacking “a judicial temperament”. So, the Left actually invited this apology from me, your independent correspondent.
I make four arguments in Kavanaugh’s defence:
The Democrats do not care about right and wrong. In a Justice, they just want someone that will sign on to their evil agenda, and dismiss as irrelevant any objections of conscience. That is not Kavanaugh. And that is one reason that they hate him, and that I like him: he cares about right and wrong.
Jesus is the perfect judge, and He opposes evils with righteous Indignation. He suffered the same kinds of injustices, but with worse consequences: they that hated Him turned Him over to the judgement of the Governor, and to crucifixion. Jesus knows what it is like to be falsely accused. And if you think that bearing false witness does not anger Jesus, maybe you don’t know Him very well. Maybe you need to go back to square one, and rebuild your sense of right and wrong, using the Light of Christ as your foundation, instead of the false lights of feminism and socialism.
I am proud of Judge Kavanaugh for pushing back against the injustices that the Democrats arrayed against him. I am glad that he got angry for an afternoon. How else does one set unjust Senators right?
Judge Kavanaugh is actually well-tempered. If the Senate Democrats had treated an ill-tempered man like they treated Kavanaugh, security would have had to restrain and drag him out, because he would have thrown punches. The Democratic Senators abused the powers of their position and office.