Against President Obama’s Anti-Second Amendment Agendum
Against President Obama’s Anti-Second Amendment Agendum

Michael Kaarhus
19:44 Thursday, Mar. 18, AD 2021 GMT

President Obama, in response to the Atlanta massage parlor shootings, tweeted these three tweets:

Even as we’ve battled the pandemic, we've continued to neglect the longer-lasting epidemic of gun violence in America. Although the shooter’s motive is not yet clear, the identity of the victims underscores an alarming rise in anti-Asian violence that must end.

Yesterday’s shootings are another tragic reminder that we have far more work to do to put in place commonsense gun safety laws and root out the pervasive patterns of hatred and violence in our society.

Michelle and I pray for the victims, their families, everyone grieving these needless and devastating killings—and we urge meaningful action that will save lives.

He wants what he has wanted for twelve years: the erosion of the Second Amendment. Here I argue against his longstanding, anti-Second Amendment agendum.

Let’s say that you are an Asian-American. I have a particular one in mind: Andy Ngo, a legal immigrant from Vietnam who used to live in the Portland-Vancouver area. Ngo is the author of Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy. Available at Amazon, but be sure to get the real one, because there are fake Unmasked at Amazon.

The Multnomah County DA, Michael Schmidt, is an Antifa ally. So is Oregon’s AG, Ellen Rosenblum. Credible death threats, along with no hope of the prosecution of his would-be assailants, compelled Andy Ngo to flee. Ngo is now a refugee, not from some oppressive foreign regime, but from Portland and Oregon!

Antifa and the Big Left also pressured bookstores, such as Powell’s in Portland, to cancel Unmasked. That is a story in itself. But the bottom line is that Ngo did not feel safe anywhere in the U.S. He reportedly now lives in Europe, a refugee from the U.S.!

So here is an Asian-American that writes a book, and is so hated by the Big Left that he feels compelled to leave the Nation. What if Ngo were to return to the land of the do-nothing DA and the home of the see-no-evil AG? What are the first things that he would need?

A firearm. Probably a pistol, a concealed carry permit, a shotgun against home invasion and ammo. Ngo would need to be able to defend himself.

And if there really is a pogrom against Asian-Americans going on, what are the first things that they would need?

Firearms. Probably pistols, and concealed carry permits, shotguns against home invasion and ammo. They would need to be able to defend themselves.

I am for all law-abiding Americans, including Asian ones, to continue to enjoy the right to keep and bear firearms. To try to erode the Second Amendment is against the fundamental human right of us Americans, including Asian ones, to defend ourselves.

If there really is an anti-Asian-American pogrom going on, the first victims of anti-Second Amendment laws would be Asian-Americans.

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