Mike's 2011-2019 Links
Mike's 2019 Links
Eternal Father, Strong to Save. Whiting, Sykes
Eternal Father, Strong to Save.  With Lyrics
Eternal Father, Strong to Save.  USMC Version
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Protesters shout down Rep. Schiff at Glendale, Calif. town hall. Dec. 14, 2019. Caution: contains profanity
Virginians let Rep. Abigail Spanberger know they don't believe her. Dec. 10, 2019
President Trump, First Lady Melania and VP Pence honor Conan. Nov. 25, 2019. Fox 10
Al-Baghdadi self-destructs in raid! Oct. 26, 2019. The SUN.
The Rev. Michel Rodrigue shares Prophecies that Jesus gave to him on Oct. 13, 2019, and that Our Lady of Knock, and St. John the Evangelist gave him on Oct. 11, 2019
Dinesh D’Souza on Democratic Party racism and GOP opposition to racism. Aug. 1, 2016. Fox News
I Stand In Awe (Mark Altrogge) @CHC. December 2008. City Harvest Church
The Ten Commandments. 1956. Cecil B. DeMille. full movie in technicolor
President Reagan: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ...”. Aug. 12, 1986. The Reagan Foundation
Destroyer. 1943. Glenn Ford, E.G. Robinson, Marguerite Chapman. Columbia Pictures
1941 HITS ARCHIVE: Chattanooga Choo Choo - Glenn Miller. the78Prof
James Last - Moonglow And Picnic. Apr. 13, 2011.
What Is Life? 2014 recording of the 1970 song. George Harrison
I Can See Clearly Now. Johnny Nash. 1971
What would Pentecost be without Una Paloma Blanca? 2014. James Last & Orchestra
A Taste of Honey and A Walk In the Black Forest. 1968. Max Greger & Orchestra
Neil Diamond sings Sweet Caroline. 2012
Former CDC Immunization Committee Chair Carol Baker in 2016: “We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States.” [One laugh is heard]. nationalfile.com
1984. 1956
Ringing Bells in County Cork. Adrian Gebruers. 2011
Clip from Isoroku Yamamoto.
2011. youtube.
Trailer for Hillary’s America.
Dinesh D’Souza. 2016. youtube.
Leonard Nimoy Explains the Vulcan Blessing. Yiddish Book Center. 2014. youtube.
Robert Henderson: “The devil has a case against you in the Courts of Heaven.” Sid Roth. 2016. youtube.
John Ramirez: Exposing some strategies of the devil. Sid Roth. 2016. youtube.
Unchained Melody. Bobby Hatfield† The Righteous Brothers. youtube.
Psychological Warfare: Subversion & Control of Western Society. KGB Defector Yuri A. Bezmenov. 1983. youtube.
Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press. KGB Defector Yuri A. Bezmenov. 1984. youtube.
The Canadians Arrive. The Devil’s Brigade. 1968. youtube.
A Brief Explanation of the Dred Scott Decision. Discerning History. youtube.
“‘Nuts’ is strictly negative.” youtube.
PM Netanyahu’s Address to the U.N. Oct. 1, 2013. youtube.
Angels We have Heard On High. The Piano Guys. Nov 29, 2013. youtube.
Cello Wars. The Piano Guys. Dec 2, 2011. youtube.
Regina Nathan Sings Sweet Sacrament Divine With Orchestra. youtube.
Regina Nathan Sings O Sanctissima With Choir and Orchestra. youtube.
2011-2019 Additional Links
“When you see the two suns on the horizon, you must know that this is a time of change, a time of this new beginning about which I have spoken to you before.” Our Lady of Emmitsburg's June 1, 2008 Message to the World. Center of the Immaculate Heart. 2008
"Actually, there are no grassroots revolutions, period. Any revolution is a byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers. But there is nothing to do with grassroots." Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector. 1984
Letter from President Donald J. Trump to the Speaker of the House of ...The White House. Dec. 17, 2019
A Russian Under Every Bed.Victor Davis Hanson. Dec. 17, 2019. NR
Judge Drops Six Charges In Kamala Harris’ Case Against David Daleiden, Sends Nine To Criminal Trial. The Federalist. Dec. 6, 2019
Limbaugh on impeachment, jobs report: Trump has achieved 'peace and prosperity,' Dems have nothing but 'hatred'.Dec. 6, 2019. Julia Musto. Fox News
Prof. Jonathan Turley on Giving the devil the Benefit of the Law. Dec. 4, 2019. FoxNews on youtube
Senator Murphy Does Not Live In Connecticut. Middletown Press. Nov. 29, 2019
Roger Stone Found GUILTY As A Result of Russia WITCH HUNT!A.B.L. Nov. 15, 2019
Nunes blasts Dems' 'strange cult' in fiery opening statement.Nov. 15, 2019. FoxNews on youtube
The communists were incredibly successful in infiltrating the Church; McCarrick was one of their men.Church Militant. Feb. 21, 2019
Current Southern Aurora Forecast. NOAA.
Current Northern Aurora Forecast. NOAA.
Aviation Community Dashboard. NOAA.
Where New Horizons is. Johns Hopkins APL.
NASA’s Near-future, Near Earth Asteroid page.
Hey Little Cobra. The Rip Chords. 1964. jango.com.
Ben E. King Radio jango.com.
All of Me. Jon Schmidt. Oct 3, 2011. youtube.
Stand By Me. Ben E. King. 1961. youtube.
Sargon of Akkad: “You live in a world without slavery because of Britain.” – Apr 22, 2015. youtube.
Piano Sonata No 32 in C minor. Opus 111. 2nd Movement. Beethoven. Alfred Brendel. youtube.
Lauren Sandford on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural. Sept. 16, 2018.
Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed. Ben Stein. 2014. youtube.
"CO2 is not a pollutant as Gore infers. It is, in fact essential to life on the planet. Without it there are no plants, therefore no oxygen and no life. At 385 ppm current [2008] levels the plants are undernourished. The geologic evidence shows an average level of 1000 ppm over 600 million years. Research shows plants function most efficiently at 1000-2000 ppm. Commercial greenhouses use the information and are pumping CO2 to these levels and achieve four times the yield with [r]educed water use. At 200 ppm, the plants suffer seriously and at 150 ppm, they begin to die. So if Gore achieves his goal of reducing CO2 he will destroy the planet." – Tim F. Ball, Ph.D. Climatology. 2008.
“And he saw the heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending, as it were a great linen sheet let down by the four corners from heaven to the earth:

“Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts, and creeping things of the earth, and fowls of the air.

“And there came a voice to him: Arise, Peter; kill and eat.

“But Peter said: Far be it from me; for I never did eat any thing that is common and unclean.

“And the voice spoke to him again the second time: That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common.

“And this was done thrice; and presently the vessel was taken up into heaven.” – Acts 10: 11-16

Center for Medical Progress videos. youtube
Thomas Grenz, Skipper of the container ship Houston Express, rescues Louis Jordan, alone and adrift in a disabled sailboat for 66 days, 200+ miles east of Cape Hatteras. NBC. April 2, 2015.
Coast Guard rescues nine from disabled tourist boat 50 miles off Gloucester. Mar 2015. Gloucester Times.
Coast Guard swimmer rescues four off Cape Blanco. 7/2015. video.foxnews.com
Rebecca Greenwood: “I did not order that.” Sid Roth. 2016. youtube.
Bob Larson met the Rev. Gabriel Amorth † The Devil Inside. 2006. Mark Bayly. youtube
Ryan LeStrange. Spiritual Warfare. 2014. Biblical demonology delivered rapid fire.
Four Policemen Hear a Woman’s Voice Coming from Car, Save Baby. The Only Adult in the Car Was Dead. March 2015. FoxNews Video.
Alabama Justice Roy Moore On Fed District Court Judge Trying to Overturn Alabama Marriage Amendment: “They’re doing exactly what they did in 1857 in Dred Scott.” Feb. 12, 2015. mrctv.com via CNN.
Reject the Counterfeit Woman. Jennifer Hartline. Catholic Online. Jan 29, 2014.
The Mansions of the Lord. The Cadet Glee Club. 2011. West Point. youtube
2016: DNC hired “actors” to replace delegates that they kicked out, or that left the convention. prisonplanet.com
non omnis qui dicit mihi Domine Domine intrabit in regnum caelorum sed qui facit voluntatem Patris mei qui in caelis est ipse intrabit in regnum caelorum
Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
multi dicent mihi in illa die Domine Domine nonne in nomine tuo prophetavimus et in tuo nomine daemonia eiecimus et in tuo nomine virtutes multas fecimus
Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name?
et tunc confitebor illis quia numquam novi vos discedite a me qui operamini iniquitatem
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity. – Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God