Mike's 2020 Links
Mike's 2020 Links
Eternal Father, Strong to Save. Whiting, Sykes
Eternal Father, Strong to Save.  With Lyrics
Eternal Father, Strong to Save.  USMC Version
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Commie “Catholics” and “Americans”. Dec. 14, 2020. Michael Voris. Church Militant
Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' have used COVID to advance 'evil agenda'. Dec. 13, 2020. Alpha News
“In a move reminiscent of dictators, Governor Gretchen Whitmer blocked GOP electors ... from the State Capitol in Lansing, deploying State Police to do her bidding.” Michael Voris. Dec. 15, 2020. Church Militant
100% Certainty It Was Rigged!! Dec. 3, 2020. Sid Roth. ISN
“Every lie will be revealed.” – Lin Wood. Dec. 2, 2020. Stop the Steal
Michael Voris investigates election fraud at the TCF Center in Detroit on election night. Dec. 3, 2020. Church Militant
Pres. Trump: “There is only one possible reason that the corrupt Democrat political machine would oppose transparency during the vote counting. It is because they know they are hiding illegal activity. It's very simple.” Dec. 2, 2020. The White House
James O'Keefe Live Streams CNN President Jeff Zucker's 9am Call. Dec. 1, 2020. Project Veritas
Trump Campaign Legal Team Holds Press Conference in DC 11/19/20. 1.7M views the first day! Nov. 19, 2020. Right Side Broadcasting Network
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a National Veterans Day Observance. Nov. 11, 2020. The White House
The Rev. Michel Rodrigue shares Prophecies that Jesus gave to him on Oct. 13, 2019, and that Our Lady of Knock, and St. John the Evangelist gave him on Oct. 11, 2019
Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud. L. Todd Wood, Russell Ramsland. Nov. 5, 2020. CDMedia
Project Veritas Receives Death Threat. Oct. 29, 2020. Project Veritas
THIS is how communists use manipulation to TAKE CONTROL. Oct. 21, 2020. Glenn Beck
GLENN’S THEORY: This is why Hunter Biden allegedly abandoned his laptop. Oct. 21, 2020. Glenn Beck
President Trump on Dems calling to pack the Supreme Court: "It’s sort of like, you’re losing the game and you start cheating." Oct. 1, 2020. President Trump
Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot. "We don't care illegal." Sept. 28, 2020. James O’Keefe
Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme: "Car is full" of absentee ballots. Sept. 27, 2020. James O’Keefe
THE RETURN: Jonathan Cahn [End Time Prophecy]. Aug. 23, 2020. Sid Roth
Hear the HORRIFYING words Karl Marx wrote about Satan, Evil | THIS is the Origin of BLM, Marxism. Sept. 10, 2020. Glenn Beck
President Trump awards Distinguished Flying Cross to seven California Army National Guardsmen for bravery in rescuing 242 people trapped by fires on Sept. 5, 2020. The White House. Sept. 14, 2020
Tucker: Why Silicon Valley is doing all it can to help the Biden-Harris ticket. Sept. 4, 2020. Fox News
Raymond Arroyo interviews Elizabeth Yore on Operation Not Forgotten rescuing trafficked children in the U.S., Paul Kengor on his new book, The Devil and Karl Marx, Lou Holtz on telling it like it is, and the Most Rev. Strickland on politicizing holy Mass. Sep. 3, 2020
“The Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln. Remember that.” President Trump addresses supporters in Manchester, NH. Aug. 28, 2020. Golden State Times
“Always remember: They are coming after me because I am fighting for you.” President Trump’s 2020 RNC Acceptance Speech. Aug. 27. C-SPAN
President Trump’s Address to the Second Lieutenants. June 13, 2020. West Point
Dinesh D’Souza on Democratic Party racism and GOP opposition to racism. Aug. 1, 2016. Fox News
Project Veritas INFILTRATES ANTIFA: “Practice things like an eye gouge...injure someone’s eyes”. June 4, 2020. Project Veritas
Neil Diamond sings Sweet Caroline. 2012
Attorney General Barr Testifies on Justice Department Mission and Programs. July 28, 2020. C-SPAN
1984. 1956
Ringing Bells in County Cork. Adrian Gebruers. 2011
President Trump and the First Lady Participate in the 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebrations. July 3, 2020. The White House
Portland topples George Washington; San Francisco hides Columbus; Ventura County targets Junípero Serra. Jeff Bliss: #PacificWatch. June 19, 2020. John Batchelor
Mark Levin interviews Larry Elder and Dinesh D’Souza. June 18, 2020. The Mark Levin Show
Raymond Arroyo interviews civil rights leader Niger Innis, Msgr. Charles Pope of Washington DC, Pastor Marc Little, Robert Royal, the Rev. Gerald Murray of NY and Jeni Stepanek, mother of Mattie Stepanek†. June 11, 2020
Trump cuts all ties with WHO, continues to blast China for COVID-19 response and Hong Kong laws. May 29, 2020. CTV News
Cuomo facing scrutiny over nursing home policies. May 16, 2020. Fox News Channel
Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic. April 30, 2020. Project Veritas
Did MSNBC fire Chris Matthews for criticizing Fidel Castro? Feb. 8, 2020. MSNBC
Former CDC Immunization Committee Chair Carol Baker in 2016: “We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States.” [One laugh is heard]. nationalfile.com
2020 Additional Links
QR Code Inventor Hacks Georgia Voting Machines During State Senate Hearing, Proves They Connect To Internet & “Communicate Two Ways”. Infowars. Dec. 30, 2020
...“For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?” – Jesus
Michigan AG Dana Nessel Threatens Prosecution for a Recording That Exposes Her Goon Vote-Counters. DeepCapture. Nov. 11, 2020
President Trump Files Formal SCOTUS Petition to REVERSE Pennsylvania Result.  NWO Report. Dec. 21, 2020
YouTube Removes Video of Trump Lawyer's Opening Statement At Senate Committee Hearing (WATCH IT HERE). C-SPAN via banned.video. Dec. 20, 2020
Portland 'Red House' son cited for mistreatment of puppies. The Portland Tribune. Dec. 11, 2020
Excerpt from Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America on the Civil War: “Three fourths of those who fought in the civil war on the confederate side had no slaves and weren’t fighting to protect slavery.” Me: They were fighting a war of aggression to take the United States! The Thinking Conservative. June. 11, 2020
In the name of 'environmental and economic justice', L.A. City Council votes to shut down Whiteman Airport after L.A. County accepted $234,000 in federal Airport Improvement Program grants in 2020 in return for agreeing to continue to operate the airport for 20 years. Your federal tax dollars disappear in L.A. L.A. Daily News. Dec. 10, 2020
U.S. Supreme Court Denies Texas Complaint That Was Joined by the President, Sixteen Other States, 125 U.S. Congressmen and 26 elected State officials.The U.S. Supreme Court. Dec. 11, 2020
Facebook “Fact-Checker” Lead Stories Funded By Controversial Chinese Company That Owns TikTok. with video. Infowars. Dec. 10, 2020
CA Archbishop: Allow Worship Again.Church Militant. Dec. 10, 2020
Video: David Icke: From the fascist state of Britain a message to America - David's speech to the Philadelphia freedom rally.banned.video. Dec. 8, 2020
Riverside County sheriff refuses to implement Calif. Gov. Newsom’s lockdown orders. with video. One America News Network. Dec. 5, 2020
Supreme Court Hands Another Victory for Religious Liberty.Church Militant. Dec. 3, 2020
Supreme Court Protects Churches, Blocks NY Lockdown Restrictions.Church Militant. Nov. 26, 2020
Georgia Video Footage Allegedly Shows Poll Workers Staying Behind, Producing ‘Suitcases of Ballots’.The Epoch Times. Dec. 3, 2020
President Trump Delivers Hope In “Most Important Speech Ever”. Transcript. USSANews.com. Dec. 3, 2020
Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank Account Funded by Communist Chinese Gov & Companies Before Election.Infowars. Dec. 1, 2020
Former Overstock.com CEO Explains How Chinese And Communists Can Hack Our Elections.banned.video. Nov. 24, 2020
Trump seizes on Biden's latest gaffe, boasting about ‘most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD’ organization.The Frontier Post. Oct. 25, 2020. The full video demonstrates that if VP Biden wins, he would be an Obama puppet. And if they would drop Amendment the 25th on Biden, Sen. Harris (D-CAL) would be an Obama puppet.
My Prediction Came True: Obama Stayed in Washington to Undermine His Successor.Rush Limbaugh. Nov. 19, 2020
Behind the Scenes, Obama Never Left.“... Whether or not Obama is now able to consolidate his legacy, the fact is that he’s already carved out his singular place in U.S. history—he’s the first president who interfered in the peaceful transfer of power, for four years. And it’s on his behalf that a rolling coup has pushed a nation to the edge of the abyss in order to remake it in his image.”Lee Smith. The Epoch Times. Nov. 17, 2020
Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”.Paul Joseph Watson. Infowars. Nov. 18, 2020
GSA Says No Way to Biden Power Transfer.Christine Favocci. Western Journal. Nov. 9, 2020, 4:33pm
Biden's vote tallies and Benford's Law.Henry Percy. American Thinker. Nov. 10, 2020
Limbaugh: Trump Base 'Fed Up' with the Left's Attack on the Country – Left Would 'Rip the Constitution to Shreds' if They Had the Chance.Trent Baker. Breitbart.com. Nov. 3, 2020
Did Hunter Biden Leave His Laptop to Be Found?Rush Limbaugh. Oct. 21, 2020
AZ Senate Candidate Mark Kelly’s Ties With China Tighter Than Previously Known. Shawn Fleetwood. The Federalist. Oct. 9, 2020
Kamala Harris Predicts "A Harris Administration Together With Joe Biden". Real Clear Politics. Aug. 15, 2020
Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Assault Previews What Would Happen In Her Administration. The Federalist. Aug. 12, 2020
The 45 Communist Goals As Read Into The Congressional Record, 1963. Donna Calvin. beliefnet.com. May 2011. Hat Tip: Joe Pags
Pius XII No Conspirator / Sources refute claim pope conspired in 'kidnapping' Jewish children.Martin Barillas. Church Militant. September 15, 2020
Kern County urgent care MD’s share statistical analysis on COVID-19, argue against shutdowns. Physicians Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi. banned.video. April 25, 2020
EXPOSING MODERNA; THE STAR OF PLANDEMIC: INDOCTRINATION REVEALS THE TRUTH.Brian Rose interviews Dr. David E. Martin. LondonReal.tv. Sept. 7, 2020
Responding To Criticism Surrounding My Viral Documentary 'The Plandemic'.Brian Rose interviews Dr. Judy Mikovits. LondonReal.tv. May 18, 2020
“... might be the most important documentary you will ever see”: Plandemic – Indoctornation World Premiere.5.8 mega-views. LondonReal.tv. Aug. 18, 2020
His Excellency, The Most Reverend Paglia, issues 4,260 words of false, materialistic, meandering, Modernist, godless gobbledygook regarding the Wuhan Pneumonia, makes the name Pontifical Academy for Life Orwellain. The Most Rev. Paglia. The Pontifical Ministry of Truth. July 23, 2020
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots. Jon Levine. New York Post. Aug. 29, 2020
SHADOW GATE – FULL FILM. Millie Weaver. banned.video. Aug. 15, 2020
Decorated Army Veteran Reveals Culture of Greed and Death at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens. banned.video. June 10, 2020
The Effects of Obergefell, Five Years Later.John Hirschauer. National Review. Aug. 6, 2020
Dwayne Johnson Wants You to Know This Teacher, Nurse & More Heroes Who Kick Butt on Titan Games.Julie Jordan. People. July 6, 2020
Remarks by President Trump at South Dakota’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration.President Trump. The White House. July 4, 2020
"Actually, there are no grassroots revolutions, period. Any revolution is a byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers. But there is nothing to do with grassroots." Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector. 1984
Pius XII: "Disturbances, riots and revolts are organized and fomented in continuing series, which prepare for the ruin of the economy and cause irreparable harm to the common good." Rorate Cæli. June 24, 2020
Victor Davis Hanson says the 2020 election is now an existential question on the fate of America. Tucker Carlson. Fox News. June 23, 2020
Sid Roth interviews Missionary Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Sid Roth. May 31, 2020
Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments. CDL Life. June 12, 2020
Tucker Carlson: Defund the police movement distracts from the left's policy failures with the poorest Americans.Tucker Carlson and Horace Cooper. Fox News. June 9, 2020
“When you see the two suns on the horizon, you must know that this is a time of change, a time of this new beginning about which I have spoken to you before.” Our Lady of Emmitsburg's June 1, 2008 Message to the World. Center of the Immaculate Heart. 2008
Leaked FEMA Coronavirus Projections Were Wrong.Rush Limbaugh. May 28, 2020
Bill Gates Video Admits Implantable Microchip to Buy and Sell.Alex Jones. banned.video. May 26, 2020
Tucker: For millions of healthy people, coronavirus lockdowns are a life-changing disaster.Tucker Carlson. video.foxnews.com. May 22, 2020
Pataki: Unused hospital beds should've been used for elderly in nursing homes.Martha MacCallum. video.foxnews.com. May 1, 2020
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: How The Coronavirus Pandemic Is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated On The Human Race.Brian Rose. LondonReal.tv. May 15, 2020
Flu Vaccine Increases Coronavirus Risk 36% Says Military Study.Disabled Veterans. March 11, 2020
Adjuvants in Vaccines.Megan Pond. August 3, 2015
Fruit and Goat Test Positive for Covid in Tanzania...National File. May 6, 2020
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: My Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And Dr. Fauci.Brian Rose. LondonReal.tv. May 4, 2020
Don’t Buy Beijing Aeonmed Medical Equipment. National File. April 30, 2020
Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Unmasking The Lies Around Covid-19: Facts Vs Fiction Of The Coronavirus Pandemic.Brian Rose. LondonReal.tv. April 29, 2020
Dr. Rashid Buttar: The Coronavirus Agenda - What The Mainstream Media Don't Want You To Know.Brian Rose. LondonReal.tv. April 27, 2020
Ingraham: WHO chief’s troubling past exposed.video.foxnews.com. April 21, 2020
Report: Philip Haney, Obama Administration Whistleblower, Shot to Death.redstate.com. Feb. 22, 2020
Our Intelligence Community Is Meddling in Electoral Politics and the People Doing It Need to Go to Prison.redstate.com. Feb. 22, 2020
Twitter LOCKS DOWN James O’Keefe’s Account.projectveritas.com. Feb. 4, 2020
British ambassador to Iran returns to UK for talks.The Guernsey Press. Jan. 15, 2020
non omnis qui dicit mihi Domine Domine intrabit in regnum caelorum sed qui facit voluntatem Patris mei qui in caelis est ipse intrabit in regnum caelorum
Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
multi dicent mihi in illa die Domine Domine nonne in nomine tuo prophetavimus et in tuo nomine daemonia eiecimus et in tuo nomine virtutes multas fecimus
Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name?
et tunc confitebor illis quia numquam novi vos discedite a me qui operamini iniquitatem
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity. – Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God